IDE integration

The IDE uses arduino-builder as a build tool. This tool is tightly build around the gcc. It always assumes that the main sketch is a cpp file and it includes hardcoded assumptions about the file suffixes '.o' for object files and '.a' for libraries.

As SDCC is not flexible about file suffix' as well we need some wrapper scripts to convert the different suffixes before and after the compiler run:

file type gcc file suffix SDCC file suffix
source file any .c
object file .o .rel
library archive .a .lib
dependency file .d .d

Linux and MacOS

I like minimal approaches and usually prefer using dash over bash. Less features => less problems. You know.

The linker wrapper is tricky, as we need to parse all arguments, modify them if an object file or a library is found and call sdcc with the full list. The required array handling is not implemented in dash, so we are stuck with the full bash.

bash on Windows

Using the bash.exe from the MinGW project we can use the same script files even for Windows.

Figuring out the path

The hard part is locating the executeables without requiring the user to modify the PATH variable. Relative to the location of the wrapper scripts the executeables for cp and rm are in ../win. But a simple simple cd ../win or ../win/cp does't work, as the current working directory at this point is still the Arduino binary directory.

Since the script is called with a full absolute path, we can extract the needed path from there. This is the obvious solution:


It looks ok, but it doesn't work on some Windows systems. It will result in an absolute path like C:\Users\michael\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\sduino\tools\STM8Tools/win. On some systems this works, on some it doesn't. Surprisingly, the mingw system somehow decides to set the tools/STM8Tools directory as the root directory. On some systems absolute paths above that point are ok, on some systems they are not. No idea why. And no idea where this root base is defined (or how to influence it). How can the bash.exe know that it was extracted from a tar file below the tools/STM8Tools directory?

So we need a plan B.

This is technically wrong, but surprisingly it works with Windows:

cd $0/../..

The pwd has the positive side effect of converting the path from Windows to Unix syntax avoiding all these backslash issues.

Finally, this is syntactally correct and works on all systems:

cd "${0%/wrapper/*}"

All together it leds to this solution:

# check if cp is in the path
if ! command -v cp > /dev/null; then
    cd "${0%/wrapper/*}"

Now we are ready to go even on Windows. All used functions command, cd and pwd and the pattern matching are POSIX-conformant builtin shell functions without any external dependencies resulting in almost no overhead and high portability.

Using only cmd.exe

It might be possible to get away with straight cmd.exe batch programming. But my ambitions of getting into Windows programming are very limited, so maybe somebody else would like to investigate this.