Manual Installation

The recommanded way of installation is now the automatic installation using the Arduino Board Manager.

The manual installation described here is only useful if you prefer a Makefile based build over using the Arduino IDE or if you would like to help with the development of Sduino.

In any case it is still possible to use the IDE.

For all systems start with this:


Sduino core

Link the sduino folder of the downloaded repository to your local Arduino hardware folder (usually in ~/sketchbook or ~/Arduino). Create the hardware folder, if not already present:

    cd ~/Arduino
    mkdir hardware  # only if not already present
    ln -s [the-extracted-repository]/sduino hardware


Extract the downloaded SDCC archive under /opt:

    sudo mkdir /opt
    sudo tar xvjf ~/Downloads/sdcc-snapshot* -C /opt

Create a link to SDCC from the tools directory of the sduino repository (required for IDE builds):

    cd ~/Arduino/hardware/sduino/tools
    ln -s /opt/sdcc .


stm8flash and stm8gal are both included as precompiled binaries in this tools directory. Create a link linux to the linux tools directory that matches your system and copy the binaries to a convient place in your path, e.g. /usr/local/bin:

    ln -s linux64 linux
    cp -av linux/* /usr/local/bin

make and libusb-1.0 (needed by stm8flash) are part of the standard repository for any Linux distribution. Example for Debian-type systems (like Ubuntu, Mint, Elementary etc.):

    sudo apt install make libusb-1.0-0

Finally, add a udev rule in order to access the USB port for your flash tool. Save this as root in in /etc/udev/rules.d/99-stlink.rules:

    # ST-Link/V2 programming adapter

    # ST-Link V1, if using a STM8S discovery board
    # important: It needs a special entry in /etc/modprobe.d
    SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0483", ATTRS{idProduct}=="3744", \
        MODE:="0666", \

    # ST-Link/V2, the china adapter with the green plastic housing
    SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0483", ATTRS{idProduct}=="3748", \
        MODE:="0666", \

    # ST-Link/V2.1, the new Nucleo STM8 boards
    SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0483", ATTRS{idProduct}=="374b", \
        MODE:="0666", \

Using the STM8S-Discovery board as a flash programmer requires a special modprobe configuration entry.


Quite similar to the Linux install. Install Homebrew if you haven't done it yet, than install make and unpack the sdcc snapshot:

    brew make
    mkdir /opt
    tar xvjf sdcc-snapshot* -C /opt

Adopt the other steps from the Linux install. The arduino hardware folder is in your Documents folder at /Users/<username>/Documents/Arduino/hardware.

Not sure about stm8flash, I didn't try it. Have a look at the stm8flash repository. It would be great if someone could summarize the procedure and send it to me.


Same idea again, but additionally we need to install a minimal command line environment with all the tools needed by make and the Makefile. Let's start with that:

Installing a command line environment

This can be any of these options (in order of complexity):

The makefile uses busybox by default when running on Windows. To change that, set these environment variables accordingly:


Alternativly, it is possible to include these lines in the project Makefile or edit directly (lines 68, 69).

Install busybox and make

This is by far the easiest way to get going. busybox already comes with sduino in the hardware/sduino/tools/win/ folder. A statically linked copy of make-4.2 can be found in the windowstools repository.

Just copy these two binaries into a place somewhere in your %PATH%.

Install Msys2

Msys2/mingw is more capable than busybox and even comes with a proper package manager. Install this if you plan on using the command line tools for more than just running sdunio compilations.

mingw is a full (cross-) compilation environment and it uses msys2, which is just a collection of basic UNIX tools. msys2 is enough for using sduino.

Now we can start working. (Or read the excellent and more comprehensive installation guide on )


cygwin is similar to msys2, but even more complete in the sense that it tries to emulate a full POSIX environment. It is really more like a virtual machine than just a set of libraries.

Almost anything that compiles for UNIX can be compiled for cygwin with minimal effort. The downside is that the resulting binaries are linked against cygwin specific libraries and that they don't mix very well with Windows native applications. It is possible to do it, but it might require some extra effort.

Install this if you need full POSIX compliance. (e.g. compiling stm8flash with support for espstlink, that requires the POSIX termios library).

Install the core files and SDCC

Thanks to the running bash the remaining steps are the same as for Linux, the only difference is your Arduino folder in Documents/Arduino.

If not already done, install the ST-Link driver from the ST website for hardware access.

You are not bound to stm8flash, you can use the regular flash tool by ST if you prefer.

stm8flash and libusb-1.0.dll are both included as precompiled binaries in the tools directory. Copy or link them to a directory in your path:

    cd hardware/sduino/tools/win
    cp -av stm8flash.exe libusb-1.0.dll /bin


Keep the known problems using Windows in mind.

Additional suggestions for Windows users

Get a better console

There is no good reason to keep suffering from the stock Windows terminal window. Installing e.g. console2 will make your life on the command line so much more enjoyable.

Installation shortcut

Instead of installing mingw and sdcc from scratch you can

As a workaround for unpacking a tar.bz2 file (again, Windows is lacking even the most basic tools...) you could use the board manager and copy the needed files out of Appdata/Arduino/packages/sduino. But mind the slightly different directory layout and don't forget to remove the package again after you are done copying. Otherwise your are going to use different versions of the sduino core for IDE and Makefile builds. Confusion would be guaranteed!

Using MinGW instead of msys2

I used to recommand using MinGW, because it is more compact than msys2. But installation is a little more complicated. If you are like me and prefer minimal solutions over big packages:

  1. Check the MinGW Installation Notes
  2. Download and run mingw-get-setup.exe You can safely deactivate the graphical option.
  3. Add ;c:\mingw\bin;c:\mingw\msys\1.0\bin to the end of your %PATH%
  4. Open a command line and install msys-base: mingw-get install msys-base
  5. Now ls or make should work.
  6. Start a bash: bash
  7. For now you might want to set the HOME variable: export HOME=/c/Users/<yourusername>. In the long run this goes in .bashrc.

Additional general tweaks

The full SDCC archive includes support for many CPUs, but you only need the stm8. You can safely delete all the files related to the PIC CPUs in the pic* and non-free directories. That safes more than 90% of the used disk space and leaves only 20MB out of 240MB.